Business Software Development

Business Software Development

We help businesses focus on what they do best by automating the rest.

What is Business Software Development?

Business software development is the process of designing, developing, implementing, and operating custom software solutions that are tailored to the specific needs of a business or market segment.

Custom software development can be a great option for many businesses looking to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and gain a competitive edge. Rather than relying on off-the-shelf solutions that may not fully address unique business needs, custom business software can provide tailored functionality, scalability, and security. However it does not come without risks, which we discuss below.

Benefits of Business Software Development

Developing custom software enables companies to disrupt outdated processes, create innovative products/services, and automate manual workflows. The benefits include:

  • Increased productivity and efficiency by optimizing processes and workflows. Automation and improved communication with custom systems lead to more output.
  • Reduced costs compared to off-the-shelf software needing extensive customization, integration, and training. Custom systems are tailored for the business.
  • Competitive advantage by streamlining key processes competitors rely on manual workflows for. This leads to faster operations and better customer experiences.
  • Easy scalability to meet changing business needs. Custom systems make scaling more affordable compared to COTS solutions.
  • Enhanced security by designing access, hosting, and systems focused on the company’s unique security requirements.

Isn’t Custom Software Development Expensive?

… and should my business take on custom software if that’s not our core competency?

We hear this all the time and, the truth is, it depends. In general you should always buy over build… unless you have a good reason not to.

What are some good reasons to build?

  • You have a unique business process that is not supported by off-the-shelf software.
  • Your competitors are using less-than-ideal software or manual processes and you know building a custom solution will give you a competitive advantage.

And the cost?

Building software is expensive. Most people don’t realise how long it takes to build, and the discipline required. Even experienced software developers are terrible at estimating how long it will take to build something (look it up.)

That doesn’t mean it’s a bad idea. It just means you need to have a proven process in place.

A large percentage of software projects fail, and the main reason is that they run out of money before they’re finished. There are many reasons for this but they boil down to poor processes.

How do you mitigate this?

By engaging with a partner such as Sydney Software Development, who have the experience and processes to:

  • properly scope your software,
  • choose a technology stack and architecture that balances cost, time-to-implement, maintainability and scalability,
  • keep developers focused on the critical path,
  • show you regular progress, and
  • deliver the software on time and on budget.

We’re confident enough in our processes that we offer fixed price engagements for nearly all projects.

Why Choose Sydney Software Development?

The Sydney Software Development team has the experience, expertise, and proven processes to deliver high-value custom business software on time and on budget. We’re unique because:

  • Extensive experience developing custom solutions for diverse industries and business sizes. We understand unique requirements.
  • Highly-skilled professionals adept at leveraging the ideal tools and technologies for efficient, scalable, and secure systems.
  • Disciplined processes honed over years ensure smooth software delivery with no surprises.
  • Pragmatic and flexible engagement models providing cost-effective custom software for any budget.
  • We can run what we build - software is useless if it’s not running and doing so reliably. We’re not just developers, we’re experienced IT Operations professionals who have the processes in place to ensure your software is running smoothly.

For any business looking to improve with custom software, our team is ready to deliver a high-ROI solution tailored for your needs.

We have a broad range of experience in automating finance processes. We offer a number of service options:

Custom Automation

Custom Automation

This suits clients who need Xero integration capabilities built into their existing software, in their existing hosting environment.

Where possible we build the Xero integration in a self-contained microservice, which will be hosted in your environment.

Multiple languages are supported, including Python, C#, Node.js, and PHP

Continual Compliance Verification

Continual Compliance Verification

A lot of repetitive processes involve making sure something has been done correctly. For example, coding a line item with the correct account, tax code, or tracking category.

Rather than doing this manually, we can provide solutions that automatically verify that the correct coding has been applied, and alert you if it hasn't.

Our solutions are rules-based and flexible. They can operate on a schedule, or be triggered by a particular event, for example, the update of an invoice.



Sometimes a solution is not technical, but rather a process change. Maybe you need a second opinion, or an alternative perspective.

We can help you identify if a process is suitable for automation, and if not, provide specific advice on how to improve it.

Xero Integrations

Xero Integrations

This suits clients who need to integrate Xero with their office systems, software and/or processes. Xero is a great reporting and data collection hub, but it is not always easy to get the data you need into (or out of) Xero, especially in a secure, reliable and cost-effective way.

We have various options available to suit your requirements and budget.

Find out more about our Xero API Integration services.

Sydney Software Development delivers time-saving automation to Hub Australia
Case Study

Sydney Software Development delivers time-saving automation to Hub Australia

Hub Australia came to us with the requirement to enable accurate revenue/credit reporting across all of their Clubhouses

Read Case Study

Ready to maximise your investment in software and technology with Sydney Software Development?

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